Monday, October 03, 2005

The report from the President of our New Orleans community: "I have finally had a chance to think about our chapter and our start up. My employer, Folger Coffee Company was about the only thing running in New Orleans last week. The city was a lifeless stinking mess. My drive to work each day is emotional. I heard stories today from people in St. Bernard Parish who lost everything and are living in someone’s garage somewhere on the North Shore or their family is two states away. My house [in Slidell] flooded as well but I have three bedrooms upstairs we are staying in and getting the flood out of the bottom floor. St. Bernard Parish is uninhabitable. Getting around in a car is difficult with checkpoints and roads restricted.
"I think our members are scattered around the southern U.S. I cannot foresee when things will be normal enough to have a meeting. What I want to recommend to our council is that our members join up with a chapter near where they are staying, continue their daily routine of prayer and reading (or get back into it), and wait. When the time is right we will start up again. It could be six months or two years. Can you do me a favor and serve as a liason to them in some fashion and let them know my recommendation. Somehow we can make a joint communication to all members who we have contact with." Your brother, Bruce

So far, I have only been in contact, directly or indirectly, with nine members of our New Orleans community. That leaves 21 either missing or as Bruce puts it "scattered around the south."


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